If accused of racing on the highway, the ramifications can be severe, including a driver's license suspension, substantial fines, and the possibility of imprisonment. Repeat convictions for this offense can lead to even tougher penalties, including classification as a felony. An experienced attorney can defend your rights and contend a racing allegation.
If you have been charged for racing on a highway in Phoenix, contacting an attorney can be the difference in the result of your case. When you hire the Nava Law Firm, you'll work with a highly experienced and knowledgeable attorney. Call for a free case evaluation and learn how we can help.
Under Arizona Law statute A.R.S. § 28-708, for someone to have committed the crime of racing on a highway, they must have been engaging in the following events:
In instances of "road rage," you may also be breaking the law if you speed past another driver and dangerously switch lanes in front of them or cut them off.
It's critical to note that the definition of racing in Arizona is broad and opens the door for officers to misinterpret or mischarge individuals. There are many instances where a person may seem like they are racing or driving dangerously on a highway but instead are avoiding a hazard or needing to find safety.
In Arizona, a first offense for engaging in a highway street race is deemed a class 1 misdemeanor, incurring a minimum fine of $250. This violation may also result in a license suspension for 90 days, mandatory community service, or even imprisonment. A second offense will result in a $500 fine, a 90 license suspension, and community service hours. Additionally, MVD will most often place 8 points against your driver's license for each offense.
If the second offense happens within two years, you will face elevated charges as a class 6 felony. This includes a minimum jail sentence of 10 days, a $500 fine, and possible permanent revocation of driving privileges. A knowledgeable defense lawyer can assist you in challenging any accusations of reckless driving on highway roads.
A judge can grant you permission to attend school or work for a maximum of 12 hours a day or five days a week, provided you are serving a jail sentence for your offense. However, you must complete the remainder of your sentence behind bars. This option is not available for those convicted of a felony charge.
You need to contact an experienced attorney if you or a loved one has been charged with racing on a highway in Phoenix. At the Nava Law Firm, you'll be represented by a proactive, detail-oriented, and skilled attorney who is determined to defend your rights.
Our firm primarily serves the areas of Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Glendale, and other locations around Arizona. Don't hesitate to contact us today to schedule your free case evaluation.
This calculator provides a general cost estimate based on typical case factors. Your actual legal fees may vary depending on the unique circumstances of your case, court requirements, and other specific details. For a detailed, personalized quote, please schedule a free consultation with our legal team.
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Many factors contribute to providing legal advice, including the specific facts of a situation. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Armando Nava is licensed to practice law in Arizona. We invite you to contact us, but please be aware that contacting us does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until an attorney-client relationship has been established.